Our next upcoming Expedition Humanitarian May/June 2023
People ask me what do I do and why? The true answer is. I scour the globe sourcing ingredients then build humanitarian projects for ingredient sustainability. (There is no difference to a Corporate company looking after their team). When I find a source of an ingredient, I look at the sustainability of the ingredient and the environment it grows in. The local indigenous people play a vital role in ingredient sustainability. It is their land and for me my plan is to find the solutions and the best process to extract the ingredient while training and educating the local indigenous people to look after their land and habitats, replanting, harvesting providing them with an alternate sustainable income.
When one looks after the real needs of the people, your team that includes the wellbeing of the whole family. Giving the children the opportunity to go to school gives them a hope and a future. at the same time take the pressure of their parents to be able to find the money to send the children to school. Only through education do they have opportunities that many take for granted.
This year Expedition is back to Nepal and we have adopted all the mountain children from Pangboche school. The children are from Rai families extremely poor and live of the land. Originally from the lower altitudes but go to the higher altitudes to look after the Yaks and build mountain terraces to grow crops.

Pangboche Basic school ASL 4000m is a remote mountain village. the children can walk up to 2hrs across the mountain pass just to get to school, by adopting the school we are giving a hope and a future. part of our giving is to all 25 students a full uniform with new school logo, all weather mountain clothing includes shoes. The winter Jackets have already been given trekked up by the high altitude Porters who we also look after.

The children at Pangboche Basic school receiving their jackets with the new school logo. The teachers will be provided with laptops, educational posters, supplies and a classroom makeover. creating a better learning space for the children.

Part of out upcoming Expedition Humanitarian is looking at the porters an elderly and disabled Sherpas. Every Porter we pass gets a SHERPA RUB and we continue to sponsor High altitude climbing porters whether they are on Mount Everest or part of our team helping with food supply deliveries, direct to the doors of the elderly and disabled over 1900kg, replanting, harvesting ingredients and all our humanitrian work.

Looking after High altitude Porters with SHERPA RUB to protect their body, prevent/repair injuries and allowing them to recover quicker while carrying heavy loads.
Long Term
All our humanitarian projects are long term looking after, supportng and sponsoring indigenous people. last year on expedition while sourcing Juniper berry and Seabuckthorn at ASL 4200m I came across Fu living in a cave, so I decided to build him a home in the heart of Khumjung village with the help of local Sherpas we build him a home with running water and electricity, To Fu it was his palace a home he never had, but to you it probaly looks like a Hut! With his new home I made up a new role for him and gave him a job as the filed keeper.

Our humanitarian projects cover remote the mountain villages of Mount Everest region to the sub tropical jungle regions of Nepal even all of the food supplies that we take into the high altitude mountains are sourced direct from small growers, farms across Nepal. Even supporting other local rural schools with educational supplies, stationery, books and a hot lunch giving them a hope and a future.

Hearts and Minds
This Year I have decided to open up my Expedition Humanitarian. A hands on once in a lifetime experience. If YOU would like to step out of your comfort zone and be inspired and join in building a better world, hearts and minds. sharing kindness.
Please contact me let me know about your world and what it means to you to be part of our team on the next upcoming Expedition. Fundraising and trekking fee will be needed by you. Or if you are a company interested in being part of our Expedition or can sponsor equipment/supplies we look forward to hearing from you.

Rebecca x